To register, please press the yellow button at the right end of the menu (or go to and create your personal account. If you have already registered in 2020, please do it again to be included in the LOC database.
Please note that you will be able to edit your personal information unless the changes contradict the Important Dates.
Upon entering your personal account, you will be able to pay the registration fee.
A hybrid format of the meeting is planned. However, we strongly urge the participants to make every effort to be present in person. Not only is this important in terms of the efficiency of personal contacts but it also ensures a full and correct transfer of the content of your talk(s) to the audience, without interruptions and distortions. If you nevertheless participate distantly, please send beforehand each your talk as a video (.mp4, .avi etc.) file to the LOC and be ready to answer the questions upon the end of its playback at the symposium.